
3/7/24 Only Social Housing Can Solve Long Island’s Housing Crisis

With housing costs ballooning nearly 70% in some parts of the state over the last decade, eviction on the rise, homelessness increasing, and droves of residents leaving New York not because of high taxes, but instead because of skyrocketing rental costs, the time is now for New York to reach back to the past for a solution to the modern housing crisis. The time is now for New York to create a Social Housing Development Authority, which would use government funds to develop thousands of affordable, sustainable units for all New Yorkers. 

Governor Kathy Hochul recognized the severity of our housing crisis in her State of the State address, but the current model of offering tax incentives to private developers who seek only to build overpriced, luxury, for-profit apartment complexes, is broken. By far, the highest percentage of vacant apartments are those that are the highest priced. And yet, it seems most new constructions are oriented towards the luxury market. 

Housing is a human right. We cannot sit idly by while our fellow New Yorkers are priced out of having anywhere to live. The time is now to create housing for everyday New Yorkers. Housing that will be affordable, while dignified. Housing that will foster a sense of community among its occupants. 

Assembly Member Emily Gallagher and State Senator Cordell Cleare’s bill creating a Social Housing Development Authority is the only serious solution to this crisis: Housing must be a public good and not commodified by private markets. We look forward to the day when that bill becomes law and will do all we can in our Chapter’s power to make that day a reality.

5/2/23 On the inclusion of the BPRA in the NYS budget

Long Island DSA commends the hard work of our comrades within our chapter as well as those of our partners in the Public Power NY coalition upon the inclusion of the majority of the Build Public Renewables Act in the state budget. This is undeniably a victory that was fought for by our communities and in spite of the various obstacles. Hurdles put forth by the fossil fuel industry, entrenched politicians, and other private interests which have reaped benefits of the status-quo that centered around capital rather than our energy, health, & safety needs. With the Build Public Renewables Act, we have secured for New York:

Long Island DSA contributed to this campaign through sustained efforts including canvassing, phone banking, labor support, participation in coalition meetings, social media support, and attending partner events in Albany. To be clear, much else in Gov. Kathy Hochul’s budget failed to understand the critical needs for Long Islanders, and the rest of New York, during intersecting crises; but we at Long Island DSA are proud of the efforts of activists & organizers across the state. Now the fight continues. Democratization provisions were not included in the budget and our resolve to empower a fully public energy system remains a priority to us, Public Power NY, and our local organizers’ efforts supporting the Reimagine LIPA campaign. Join us in fighting for  our communities to have a cheaper, healthier, and more democratic energy system.

5/3/22 SCOTUS Briefing Leak- On Overturning Roe V. Wade

Nassau DSA is outraged at the apparent decision by an unelected body to blatantly disregard women and other genders’ bodily autonomy, and in the process toss away decades of precedent, by reversing the Roe v Wade decision. For those with access to wealth and power, this decision will have no material consequences. For far too many working class people, the situation will be (and has been) vastly different. Also make no mistake, those who will use this as an opportunity to scream “Vote Blue No Matter Who” are missing the mark as well. Democrats had many opportunities to enshrine abortion rights with their hands on the levers of power, and failed utterly to do so. 

This news makes our task of organizing for a better world even more urgent. We remain committed to organizing within the working class, and making sure all those having their reproductive rights threatened both yesterday and tomorrow have the right and resources to seek an abortion no matter where they are in the United States.

4/12/22 LIPA Commission Bill- NYS Budget 2022

Long Island will have a funded and fully public Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) by the end of 2025. The recently passed NYS Budget included funding for a legislative commission that will work on transitioning LIPA away from its public/private partnership. Nassau DSA Eco-socialist Working Group has been influential in the effort through participation with Reimagine Long Island, and by organizing residents to reject the private/public partnership with PSEG. 

When LIPA was originally established, it was supposed to become publicly owned, but instead the work was outsourced to inept and expensive third parties. For 25 years, Long Islanders have suffered rate hikes and poor service (especially when recovering from storms) under the third party providers that LIPA contracted.

The commission will hold at least one public hearing with a public comment period in each of the counties (Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk) comprising the service area of LIPA, which is an opportunity for organizations like DSA to direct the narrative. 

There is much work to be done to create a true public utility on Long Island. The first public hearing is due September 30, 2022, before the first draft is written. Join us in the fight for public power! Our Ecosocialist Working Group meets bi-weekly on Mondays at 7pm, please get in touch with us to plug in. We also do canvasses bi-weekly, check out our calendar for more information

11/3/2021 On Last Night's Election Results

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday November 3, 2021

The Democratic Party establishment has alienated progressives, young people, and the multiracial working class. The results of Election Day are due to Democrats failing to motivate these voters to return them to office. Here in Nassau County, this failure starts at the top with Jay Jacobs. His arrogant insistence on conservative and center-right politics led their base to abandon them on Election Day.

We, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), are fighting for the multiracial working class in Nassau County and across the country. We know that the status quo duopoly is not serving the interests of the people. We believe in funding our communities instead of the police; building a democratized and green energy system; and providing healthcare for all through the New York Health Act. Neither the political goals of Democrats or Republicans, but Democratic Socialism, with the interests of the multiracial working class at the heart of our agenda, will get us out of this mess. Join us at

8/10/2021 Cuomo Resigns

While we at Nassau DSA are relieved to see Andrew Cuomo stepping down as Governor, we understand that this is not justice. Cuomo still has much to answer for, and resignation does not bring accountability for the women he harassed, or for how terribly he handled our most vulnerable in the state’s nursing homes. We look forward to seeing Cuomo be held fully accountable.

8/4/2021 Laura Curran Must Veto 187-21

Nassau County DSA is outraged at the swiftness with which Legislator Josh Lafazan and the Nassau County Legislature rammed through 187-21, the “First Responders” bill that enhances police “protected status” against any who might “harass” or “menace” a first responder.  

The bill gives the cops “irrefutable presumption”, which denies any defense to the accused. It also enables cops to sue people for “compensatory damages, punitive damages, and attorney’s fees and costs”, for up to $50,000. Police already enjoy “protected status” under multiple laws adopted by both Nassau County and New York State. The protections for police in the bill go above and beyond any afforded to truly marginalized groups, groups that do not choose a profession in the way police have chosen their profession.

The true intent of this law is to stop people from publicly dissenting against the Nassau County Police. Nassau is no stranger to police brutality since the cops murdered Matthew Felix, brutalized Akbar Rogers, and threatened protesters last summer during non-violent actions. With our first amendment rights under attack, we at Nassau County DSA demand that Laura Curran veto this bill.

Call or email Laura Curran to demand she veto bill “187-21” NOW! 516-571-3131.

8/3/2021 Long Island NYS Assemblymembers Must Impeach Cuomo

We stand with our fellow DSA Chapters from across NY in demanding the Assembly impeach Gov. Cuomo. We demand that Nassau Assemblymembers Chuck Lavine​​, Gina Sillitti, Taylor Darling, Judy Griffin, Michaelle Solages, David McDonough, Michael Montesano, Michael Durso, John Mikulin, Melissa Miller, and Edward Ra, commence impeachment proceedings immediately. Further, we demand that Speaker Carl Heastie ensure that impeachment is brought forward.

We will always stand with survivors of sexual violence. 

5/1/2021 Update From Our Mutual Aid Working Group

As of May 1, 2021, Nassau DSA Mutual Aid has ended our grocery and microgrant distribution work for the foreseeable future. Our work has exceeded all of our expectations, and we are proud to have helped fill a gap in food access on Long Island. Over the past year, we raised $16,469 from our generous community members to fund all of our work, and fulfilled about 350 microgrants or grocery deliveries.


In March 2020, we quickly responded to the crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic which created thousands of food insecure households in our community overnight. We built a Mutual Aid team and recruited dozens of volunteers who served as runners, shoppers, fundraisers, and intake coordinators. Our group delivered fresh groceries to hundreds of families in Nassau County, and donated resources to food banks and programs throughout the area.


We required no proof or paperwork for our requestors which set us apart from many traditional food banks and programs and allowed us to serve more people, particularly undocumented people who were, and continue to be, left behind by many government measures. In January of 2021 we began offering microgrants as an option for requesters in addition to grocery deliveries, so that they could have funds for other needs. Requesters were given the option of a $40 cash grant through CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal or $40 worth of groceries.  


We could not have done any of this without our volunteers and supporters. Thank you so much to everyone who helped make our mutual aid work a success, and special thanks to the Long Island Progressive Coalition who allowed us to use their space to store groceries for many months.


While our distribution work is ending, we will continue to partner with food banks in our community by recruiting volunteers. In the coming weeks and months we will be focusing on expanding our Mutual Aid work in other ways by pursuing projects such as a book swap, a brake light clinic, self defense classes, developing our community garden, and more. We would love for you to join us! Our Mutual Aid meetings are on Tuesdays at 8:30pm, and our Gardening Subcommittee meetings are on Wednesdays at 7pm.


Also, in the coming weeks we will be planning a special event to celebrate the work we've done and thank all our volunteers. Stay tuned!

4/19/2021 Our New Code of Conduct

April 19, 2021

At our April General Meeting we voted to enact our new Code of Conduct. As comrades in struggle, we as DSA members must commit to actively dismantling the social structures of domination and oppression. Members may not, through behavior or speech, reinforce systems of oppression, including but not limited to class, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, body size and physical appearance, dis/ability, race, ethnicity, caste, color, religion, immigration status or national origin, or age. Please read the full Code of Conduct here.

1/20/21 On the Inauguration of Joe Biden

On Wednesday, January 20, we witnessed the end of the Donald Trump presidency and the beginning of Joe Biden’s administration. While we felt relief to see him go, we know his supporters are still here, as well as the racism, white supremacy, class warfare, disregard for the environment, and cruelty he emboldened while in office. Additionally, his disastrous mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic, among many other matters, has left the country and the world in worse shape than when he ascended to the presidency on his racist platform.

We acknowledge that in the first days of his presidency, Biden signed several important executive orders, including halting the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline and reversing Trump’s Muslim ban, after years of pressure by indigenous communities, immigrants, activists, and allies. With that said, we have no illusion that Joe Biden will be the president that fights for the needs of the working class over the greed of his wealthy donors. We cannot and will not forget that he authored the heinous 1994 crime bill, helped repeal the Glass-Steagall Act, brushed aside credible allegations of sexual assault from Tara Reade, voted for both the reprehensible Patriot Act and the abominable Iraq War, and stood silent as Barack Obama oversaw more deportations than any president before or since. He notably promised his wealthy donors that “nothing would fundamentally change” under his presidency, and steadfastly refuses to embrace popular policies such as Medicare for All and the Green New Deal. Finally, his calls for unity with Republicans, including those in Congress who sympathize with or support the Capitol rioters, show that he cannot and will not be the person to lead the fight against the white supremacy and neoliberalism that led to Trump’s rise. 

Biden’s calls for unity echo his campaign’s messaging which targeted Republicans who supposedly wanted to break with “the party of Trump,” rather than tailoring his platform to working-class people. However, it was not “Never-Trump” Republicans who won Biden this election, but rather the Black working-class organizers who turned people out to vote, as well as a broad multi-racial working-class coalition. The reality is that the ascension of Joe Biden to the presidency means a return to the neoliberalism that has defined both political parties for so many years. We know that this country needs to fundamentally change. We cannot and will not count on Biden or the Democratic Party to provide adequate relief to those struggling to make ends meet during, or even after, the COVID-19 pandemic. 

We will continue to fight to ensure marginalized voices are truly uplifted and that everyone’s needs are met. We must continue pushing ourselves, our communities, and our government to make amends for our nation’s injustices, including settler-colonialism, chattel slavery, segregation, capitalism, imperialism, white supremacy, ableism, classism, sexism, environmental destruction, and more. The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) are building the multi-racial working class movement we need to bring the power to the people, and create an economy and a society which works for all of us. Join your local Long Island chapter at or

1/7/21 On the Fascist Insurrection at the U.S. Capitol

January 7,  2021

Wednesday’s insurrection attempt in the US Capitol, encouraged by President Trump and several Republican Senators and Congresspeople, needs to be recognized for what it was: a riot by white supremacists, fascists, and neo-Nazis. There must be consequences for the rioters and more importantly those with power who enabled them. Nassau DSA supports Congresswoman Cori Bush‘s bill to seek the expulsion of GOP legislators, including Long Island’s own Lee Zeldin, whose seditious attempts to overturn the election results inspired and aided the rioters. Fascism in all forms must be defeated, and that requires defunding police budgets and mass surveillance.

Many are using Wednesday’s event to suggest that police need more resources in order to effectively fight right wing terror. Let’s be clear: the police made a deliberate decision to allow a right-wing insurrection to occur in the Capitol. We must continue to fight fascism by building a multi-racial, socialist, working class movement that defeats white supremacy and capitalism.

Add your name as a co-signer of Rep. Cori Bush’s bill to investigate and expel the GOP members from Congress who enabled Wednesday’s white supremacist riot.

11/24/2020 On Indigenous Peoples' National Day of Mourning

November 24, 2020

Nassau DSA acknowledges the Indigenous tribal land which we occupy: Matinecock, Lekawe, Merrick, Massapequa, Nissequogue, and Secatogue. We invite you to identify the land you occupy as well. Nassau DSA recognizes settler Thanksgiving as a National Day of Mourning for the many Indigenous people whose lives and land have been taken and stolen by settlers since 1607. 

We also want to highlight and share our support for Sovereignty Camp 2020, a month-long encampment and protest by the Shinnecock Nation along Sunrise Highway in the Hamptons across from the Shinnecock’s monument. The Shinnecock and their allies will be fighting to demand Governor Andrew Cuomo and Attorney General Letitia James drop a frivolous lawsuit against the Shinnecock's monument, while many are having settler Thanksgiving dinner all across Long Island and throughout the country.

Warriors of the Sunrise, a group of Shinnecock women, shares that “the Shinnecock people are suffering due to hundreds of years of violent settler-colonialism. Many are living in poverty, and there is rampant food insecurity. This baseless lawsuit, which has cost the Shinnecock Nation potentially millions of dollars, is an attempt to obstruct the Shinnecock nation’s economic development and strangle its ability to meet the basic housing, education, and food needs of its tribal members.”

This encampment is one of countless efforts throughout history by Indigenous people to reclaim their land and fight back against the settler-colonialism compromising their lives, livelihoods, and freedom.

On Wednesday, November 25th at 12pm the Warriors of the Sunrise will be having a Food Drop, providing food to anyone who needs it. Despite the hardships endured under economic sabotage, the Shinnecock people persist in the virtues of being a good neighbor. Contactless pickup will be available and all necessary COVID-19 safety precautions will be in place.

Nassau DSA is committed to uplifting and standing in solidarity with all oppressed people. We are sending funds and resources to support the Shinnecock’s action, Food Drop, and fight for justice and self-determination. If you would like to contribute, please Venmo Warriors of the Sunrise at @landback or visit to learn more.


11/10/2020 On the 2020 General Election

November 10, 2020

The 2020 election results are a testament to the power of grassroots organizing, especially led by BIPOC organizers, and rank and file union members in battleground states. We want to thank and recognize those who have been mobilizing for months, years, and decades in the fight for justice, and who are the drivers of progressive change. We also want to thank Bernie Sanders for inspiring countless people and politicians to fight for a world that reflects DSA’s values and vision, and for popularizing key policies that will greatly improve the lives of the working class.

We think the most promising results for socialists have been the success of Congress members who co-sponsored policies that directly impact and benefit the working class, such as Medicare for All. All of them are set to win their elections and reelections, while moderate and corporate Democrats who did not take a stance on Medicare for All lost many seats that were predicted to be safe. Furthermore, while Florida went for Trump, 61% of Florida voters approved a ballot initiative to increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour. Meanwhile, the Florida Democratic Party distanced itself from this popular measure and suffered numerous defeats in Florida.

While many corporate-aligned and centrist candidates lost their election campaigns, socialists and progressives won election campaigns and ballot measures all over the country. This shows us that policies which bring tangible, material change to the lives of working class people are not just necessary, but universally popular and can win elections by broad margins. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, working class people were suffering. Neither party has proposed a plan for everyone to have a home, healthcare, a job, a union, and to at minimum, have their basic needs met.

While the results of the election are encouraging, we must recognize that the working class has been attacked by corporate interests and the ultra-rich who have kept us from uniting as a working class. We are dedicated to unifying and strengthening the multi-racial working class, which includes disrupting the status quo that brought us Trump in the first place.

We believe it is worth noting that while Trump lost both the popular and electoral votes (though at the time of writing this he has not yet conceded), his support has grown from 2016 to 2020. In 2016 he received 62,985,106 votes, and in 2020 he received 71,043,601 votes. This means that while he lost this election, his popularity has increased. It is imperative that the Democratic Party recognize who won them this election: BIPOC organizers, rank and file union members in swing states and all over the country, and not moderate Republicans. If anything, the Republican party has only grown its base among the working class, rather than swing to support the Democratic party as the Democrats suggested they would. If the Democratic party wants to fight to be the party of the working class, they should adopt universal policies that already have wide scale popularity. 

We will continue to organize alongside workers and comrades all over the country for these policies that we know are urgent and inevitable: Medicare for All; a Green New Deal; defunding the police; building a stronger labor movement, and much more. We hope you will fight with us for a better world in which people are valued over profit.

8/14/2020 On NYC DSA's opposition to elected officials receiving all expense paid trips to Israel

August 14, 2020

Nassau DSA stands with NYC DSA in advocating against elected officials receiving expenses-paid trips to the right-wing, apartheid, nationalist, and racist government of Israel.

Nassau DSA is in solidarity with oppressed people everywhere. We stand against any apartheid state, especially the ones that are militarily and financially supported by the U.S. to the extent that Israel is. We support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement led by the Palestinian people, and are against the laws right here in our own county that bar people and businesses from participating in BDS. We believe it is crucial to stand up for our first amendment right of freedom of expression, including BDS. 

We also oppose efforts by elected officials like County Executive Laura Curran and Congresswoman Rice to disingenuously weaponize antisemitism to provide support for the Israeli government. Curran, Rice, and many other elected officials have made efforts in curtailing first amendment rights with their support for unconstitutional anti-BDS laws in Nassau County. This provides political cover for authoritarians like Netanyahu, who impose draconian rule over the Palestinian people.

Questioning Israel’s state policies towards the Palestinian people does not make one an anti-Semite. Similarly, supporting U.S. funding of Israel does not inherently bar someone from being an anti-Semite. We stand with all people for whom the pursuit of human dignity and equality is a goal that transcends race, religion, or nationality.

On the ongoing civil unrest in the wake of the murder of George Floyd

April 2020

In the wake of the murder of George Floyd by the Minneapolis Police Department, and countless other Black lives murdered by the state, the United States and Nassau County have witnessed a multi-racial mass movement of people in the streets--unified behind the idea that Black Lives Matter, appalled by state violence stemming from systeic issues within a racist police system, and demanding immediate and long-term changes.

Nassau County DSA stands in solidarity with this movement and has been actively in the streets. We believe that racism and capitalism exacerbate each other and must be fought in equal measure. We immediately demand the following:

Our vision is a world in which state violence manifested through institutions such as prisons, policing, and the military are no longer used to enforce and maintain the hegemony of racism and capitalism.

Immediate Actionable Demands

No Cop Money: End Bribes from Police to Elected Officials

Our elected officials are supposed to represent the people. We cannot expect politicians to remain impartial when receiving donations amounting to thousands of dollars from police. 

Defund and Demilitarize The Police

In order to abolish the police, we have to move away from a system of police violence that works to only maintain economic and political order. 

Use Divestments from Police to Invest in Community Resources and Socially Beneficial Institutions

As we push for policy reform, we call for divestments from systems that harm our communities, like the police. We demand that money be spent on community systems that support the people and ensure housing, food, and living wage jobs for all. We must reallocate power and resources back to the people to help our communities thrive.

Decarcerate Our World

Having an abolitionist framework demands that we find ways to actively decarcerate our surroundings, and free as many people from prison as possible. We also need to create alternative systems for communities to have local control and be sustainable.



March 2020

As you’re probably well aware by now, the Coronavirus or COVID-19 has become a global concern that cannot be ignored. We would like to take a practical and measured approach in our response that is mindful of the health of our members and our communities and that also allows us to continue the critical organizing work we are doing as socialists here on Long Island. We will be looking into ways for our working groups to better facilitate online meetings where possible for the time being. We will be following the guidelines in the statement by National DSA in their statement on COVID-19. 

We want to continue to organize effectively for a Medicare for All, universal single payer healthcare system that provides care, including vaccines, free at point of service. As well as a new economic system that will protect people's jobs and housing during times of economic crisis. We’d also like to remind everyone to be aware of and think about the very real class issues that normally go unnoticed in the news. Governor Cuomo has used the panic surrounding the Coronavirus to grant himself a massive expansion of his executive power, despite some hesitation from the legislature. He’s announced the production of thousands of gallons of hand sanitizer in response, but it’s made by slave labor in prisons often compensated at a rate of under a dollar a day. Instead of demanding an end to this barbaric practice, our legislators have suggested we raise the compensation to a “humane” $3/hour

There are many people who are affected economically by this situation and we want to stand in solidarity with them by organizing ways to prevent them from entering into further crisis by not being able to make rent, or afford basic necessities because of lost wages. 

Nassau DSA Steering Committee remains committed to fighting for housing, healthcare, economic, and racial justice even during this time of unease. Please make sure to join the conversations happening on Slack as this will be our chapter’s main mode of communication. Email us if you’re not on Slack, and we can sign you up.